In-House My Denta Care Dental Discount Plan

No Insurance? No Problem!

Membership of our In-House Dental Benefits Plan is available to all patients without dental insurance.

Root Canal Treatment

If you ignore tooth pain for too long, you may ultimately need a root canal. A root canal may be needed when the pulp or nerve in a tooth is irritated, infected or irreversibly damaged by decay. If our dentists determine that this is the best option for you, they will clean the tooth inside and out and then seal it. They then place a filling or crown on the tooth. 


Root canals generally are completed in one visit but can require more depending on its severity. Your tooth will be numbed and a small protective shield called a rubber dam will be placed over the tooth to isolate it and keep it clean and sterile. We use specialized tools to shape and clean the inside of your tooth. After that cleaning process is complete, the tooth is filled with gutta percha (a rubber based material) and a filling is placed.  Our dentists and our specialist believe in supplying pain free treatment. Root canals no longer need to be something to fear.

Many patients associate root canals with pain and discomfort.

But local anesthetics and advancements in modern dentistry have made root canals highly tolerable procedures that are often no less comfortable than getting a standard filling. Upon completion, a restored tooth that has undergone a root canal will blend in with surrounding teeth – virtually undetectable to the average eye. More than 9 out of 10  root canal procedures are successful, and most treatments last many years or even a lifetime.


4423 S NC Hwy 150,
Lexington, NC 27295




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